Social Media is an Important Part of Your Marketing Mix, but Not the Only One.

Social media marketing is not a replacement for other marketing tactics and we highly recommend that you continue to do what has worked for you in the past.

Traditional marketing activities that still work for you, like advertising in a newspaper, sending direct mail and attending networking events, are still essential.

However, for most, social media marketing is now a critical component of an effective marketing strategy.
In fact, social media marketing works best when combined with other marketing activities, especially email marketing.
Ashish Chaubey
Ashish Chaubey is Project Manager of SEO and has over 5 years of experience in Internet Marketing, business analysis. He will happily answer any questions you may have concerning growing your business abroad, and you can contact him by clicking here. Feel free to comment below this article if you have something to add, or maybe you want further information as to how your business could benefit from being promoted globally..
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