Social Media & Email Marketing Go Great Together

A report from Monetate, an e-commerce software firm, has found that email marketing is still driving more overall sales than social media efforts.

But there’s no need to start grappling your forehead and deleting Facebook Pages left and right. It’s important to keep in mind that all of these channels work together, not against each other.

Social media sites, in general, are a far more casual environment that can help build brand awareness, provide bite-size bits of industry information, and create communities among your customers.

That said, email has the advantage of directly reaching a single person. Not only that, you can use analytics to see what that person clicks and opens, which are statistics you can use to segment your list and direct different customers to personalized destinations.

So, if you're asking yourself the question, Don't be late contact us.
Ashish Chaubey
Ashish Chaubey is Project Manager of SEO and has over 5 years of experience in Internet Marketing, business analysis. He will happily answer any questions you may have concerning growing your business abroad, and you can contact him by clicking here. Feel free to comment below this article if you have something to add, or maybe you want further information as to how your business could benefit from being promoted globally..
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