Seven Quick Tips For Using Social Media In Your Small Business

Today, I’m going to share real briefly with you the idea of giving you seven quick tips for using social media for your small business. As entrepreneurs, as solopreneurs, as home-based business professionals, as Internet marketers, whatever it is, social media is clearly here to stay. The reality is social media is being dominated by the large brands and by these enormous viral offers that are out there. What’s interesting is that we as small business owners can actually tap in to the enormous strength and stream of prospects on the web right alongside the big companies. It’s truly a way to be able to have a level playing field because social media opportunity is a very low point of entry to get in and market to. The key is knowing a few simple tricks and tips that will help you be able to compete.

Facebook & Twitter

Let’s talk about those right now, the seven quick tips for you using social media in your small business. I’m going talk first about Facebook and Twitter. You might think this is pretty obvious, Aaron. Here’s the reality, Facebook and Twitter are powerful mediums if you don’t make a simple mistake that many small businesses do. They try to be like the big guys. That doesn’t make sense because you do not have the brand, you do not have the recognition, nor the financial resources to compete. They can get away with just putting a logo that they worked for many years to brand. You can’t. It’s called Facebook not Logobook, so don’t go faceless. It’s important to make sure that people can connect you and your staff or your team. The other thing is that it’s about personal connection. People like the idea that with Facebook and Twitter they get to know who they’re doing business with. This gives us as small businesses an advantage to the big companies.

Candid Open Conversations

The other beautiful thing about social media is it opens up an opportunity for people to be able to have candid open conversations. Think about this for just a minute. If you have a retail store and a customer walks in do you say hello to them first or do you immediately bombard them with offers, sales pitches, throwing new products at them, a sales rack at them, of course not. My question is why do people find that in their mind that is a logical thing to do in online business? It doesn’t make any sense. You have to make sure that you are friendly and you have to invite people like you’re inviting them into your home and get to know them and let them get to know you before you ask them to business with you.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A picture is worth a thousand words. We’ve all heard this so many times, but people don’t include pictures in their social media. Look, if you have a cupcake business, show the pictures, don’t tell me what kind they are. If you have a business where you have lots of clients that you’ve helped or they’ve lost weight because of what you’ve done, show before and after pictures. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words and you need to do it. People are very visual these days, so it’s super important to do this.

You Are The Expert

You’re an expert. People need to see you as the expert. One thing that small business owners typically aren’t very good at is bragging, bragging about themselves, whether you’re a hair stylist, whether you’re a creative director, whether you’re a web developer, whether you’re a public speaker, you have to learn to brag about what you’re great at so people know what you’re the expert in. You have to let your potential clients and customers know what you’re great at. You can do this by offering them tips and tricks, hints. You can also comment on the industry that you’re in as a whole. You can offer a debate about people. Let me tell you something, when you offer debates it’s a fine line about forcing your particular opinion on people. Put your common sense cap on, go the common sense corner, and then just be logical.


YouTube, another powerful tool. Once you started showcasing why your business is somebody that they want to work with; why your business is friendly; why they’re welcome and invited into your home, if you will; then you need to show them through YouTube the different ways that you can help them. It’s a great channel to help you begin to build more relationships with the people that you’re talking to.

Ask For Recommendations

Ask for recommendations from people. Listen, it’s important that you tell people, “Look, if you like my product or service refer it to a friend.” Ask them to give you testimonials, to talk about their personal experiences. Ask for it because this is just more social proof that will show that you are the expert.

Why Friends & Family Matter

I want to tell you why your friends and family actually really do matter. People don’t understand this. When your friends and family are on your social media platforms they have friends and those friends are your potential customers, and those friends’ friends are your potential customers. It’s important that no matter what you do you’re always professional. You operate in a professional manner. You become personable, and that you always remember the golden rule. Even if they don’t do business with you, you treat them with respect so that you can gain referrals. Your friends and family absolutely matter because they are an extension of you which gives you even a broader, bigger reach.
I hope that these seven quick tips for social media have helped you just to try to put things into perspective and give you a reminder. I appreciate you all. Remember, success is a choice.
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