Access Your Gmail: More Easy Conversation & Massages with Tabs in Gmail A/C

Wow Great I was surfing online my Gmail Account few days ago. And I found there a new updates in my Gmail account. When I was checking my colleagues email. He had sent me an email for my information. Actually he uses the Microsoft Outlook for the email communication. 

Google has updated his Gmail account option. Where we can manage our emails easily and can categories by label.
Yes when I logged in my Gmail Account to access my emails. I was socked with happiness & joy. Because, I have seen my email that has been set by labels like all social networks emails and notification are in the Social Tab, Primary Tab and Promotion Tab.
Although It is all updated by Google. I got already set it in my Gmail account. And we can add more tabs according to our needs. Now I manage and categories my all massages in the Tab label.
Bellow I am giving the snapshot of updated Tabs.
Really it will save the time that we can utilize in other work production. Just only login to email account and get all massages automatically categories in the Tabs.

Ignore That Last Google Webmaster Tools Notification: Googlebot CAN Access Your Site

In the past twenty-four hours, it seems as if Google sent out a message to thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of site owners, that there is a problem with their site.

Typically, you never ever want to ignore a webmaster tools notification but in this case, the messages were sent in error.

Google told these webmasters that "Googlebot can't access your site", that the site had connection failures and Google was unable to access your site.

Here is a sample message one of my clients received (although I received several):

Googlebot Can't Access Your Site

Google's Matt Cutts wrote in the thread that this seems like an error on Google's side. He said:

Hey everyone, please don't worry about this message at this point. Enough people are getting this message that I suspect it's an issue on our end.

I've got an email out to our webmaster tools team, and we'll figure out what's going on. Thanks.

John Mueller of Google is asking webmasters to post example URLs so they can fix the issue.

The thing is, I checked this morning and webmaster tool's console does not show the error on these sites still, so maybe it was a Google error.

Forum discussion at Google Webmaster Help.

Google is celebrating the first Indian passenger Train Journey

Google is on Tuesday celebrating the 160th anniversary of the first passenger train journey in India with a doodle on its homepage.

Do you know: When our first Indian Passenger Train Ran?

On April 16, 1853, the first commercial passenger train chugged out of Bori Bunder, in Bombay to Thane, covering a distance of 34 kilometres. The train was hauled by three locomotives, Sahib, Sindh, and Sultan.

The search engine giant takes its visitors on a short journey into the history of Indian Railways, with a train pulled by a steam engine along the palm-lined railway track. The first 'O' of Google depicts the front part of the steam engine of the passenger train.

Visit Your Blogger and Make Your Blogging Experience Better with Edit HTML Page

Today early morning I was in so happy mood. I don't know why? May be there was some special in my mind. After completing my routine work I visited my blogger account and stared the blogging like same days.
Do you know what I did observe there in my (Blogger). I saw there some amazing updates by Google. Yes that was HTML Editor Page of the blogger.
You can watch is happening also.
Go to your blogger profile. And do some test regarding checking the updates. When your blogger login has been completed and return back to your blog profile. So click on the Template option and go to edit html. What is showing there?
There is nice HTML Editor Page that will fill you smarty and best blogger fillings like Notepad++ Editors, Dreamweaver Editors. You can find your coding easily by filtering the coding line.

Yes the latest blogger updates is for enhance the blogger users experience. You can easily jump to the Widget pages.  
I hope all blogger will test this experience and will share it in your groups.

Export Up TO 5000 Rows in Google Analytics Dashboard

I’m not sure when this happened – but today at least now you can export up to 5000 rows in Google Analytics dashboard.

This is a welcome change, though there have been other ways of doing this in the past (I’ve included this below)

How To display and export more than 5000 rows in Google Analytics and to CSV – Up To 50,000 Rows

When you select 5000 rows you will have a URL like this

just change that last number from 5000 at the end of that url to 50000 (add an extra zero) and hey presto – you see much more in the dashboard, too.

The MAXIMUM amount of rows you can see in the Dashboard is 20000 rows whichever number you specify at the end of that url.

I’m not sure why Google just doesn’t give you the option to view 20,000 rows – perhaps it’s more resource intensive to let everyone be doing it.
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Top Blog Directories To Submit Your Blog

Gaining exposure for your blog is critical to building a following and revenue. After creating compelling copy, titles, descriptions and link strategies, it’s time to list your blog in one or more directories.

There are many paths to building links, such as link baiting or blogroll-link swapping, but few are as easy to implement and cost effective as submitting to blog directories. And good link juice makes for a growing blog.

Here are 24 directories you need to know about:

1. Best of the Web Blog Search remains a powerful tool for sharing your blog, especially since this director’s very selective, listing only mature and valuable blogs. A link from here is majestic.
2. Bloggeries is one of the most respected blog directories. The layout is clear and concise, and readers are able to find what they are looking for in a snap.
3. EatonWeb Blog Directory is a powerful list. The fee, currently $34.99, pays for a review of your blog.
4. is a free, manually-edited directory that reads the RSS feed of your blog. You can also use the site’s social features, article directory, and other great tools to build your blog.
5. is an interesting mix of a directory and a Google News type site that is fed by the blogs listed with Blogged. And it’s free to list your blog.
6. While the design and infrastructure have changed somewhat over the years, Blog Search Engine remains one of the most selective blog directories on the web. Membership has its privileges.
7. Blog Catalog features a vast number of categories, from “academic” to “writing”, while offering the ability to search by country, language or user. It has a no-frills design, but offers convenient access through a simple blog registration.
8. Globe of Blogs has too many features to list. Only non-commercial blogs are accepted. The site may be busy, but I like being able to narrow my search by title, author or subject.
9. The ultimate directory of British blogs isn’t focused on location, but on the culture. It is asked that bloggers be genuinely “Britished.”
10. Blog Universe has a layout that’s easy to navigate and, although the content is limited, it’s an all-around good directory worthy of submission.
11. Bigger Blogs is intertwined with a business directory and an article directory, giving you access to several powerful tools in one location.
12. Bloggernity is a crisp, clean and easily navigated site. It’s low ad-to-content ratio has helped solidify its reputation as a quality directory.
13. Bloggapedia has an interesting and eye-catching homepage. Readers are easily connected to top blogs and new posts. Innovative categories, a colorful design and its blogger tool kit make this directory a hit.
14. Spillbean is a well-designed directory with categories such as “health,” “society,” “Internet,” and “personal.”
15. Blogging Fusion boasts over 60 categories, including family-focused blogs. Blogging Fusion has an good number of listings, and it also has visitor stats.
16. Blogflux is organized and clear with a strong social element.
17. The blogs at the top of Bloglisting are fun, colorful and catch the attention of the reader. Bloglisting displays the page-ranking blogs, which is a helpful tool when determining with whom you want to exchange links.
18. Blogio stores plenty of quality blogs, and it sports solid on-site search.
19. Blog Digger is a strong search tool, especially for local blog listings.
20. Blog Pulse features a powerful community element, on-site analytics, and a clean design. The “submit” page is a bit tricky to find, so here’s the quick link.
21. Technorati’s blog directory is well-respected and spans more than 30 categories.
22. Blogarama has a strong base of blogs and a solid text-ad system for its front page.
23. Blog Hints features over 100 categories. The site is very picky about which blogs are included, and those that are listed are presented via a visual interface that shows the site’s design and page rank. This makes Blog Hints the perfect site for finding link-swapping partners.
The above listings are a glimpse inside the large and vast world of blog directories and the valuable inbound links that your can build for your blog and your business.
There are countless more directories at your disposal. Which do you like? Leave a comment.
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SEO : Search Engine Optimization from 2012-2013: 7 Key Factors That Will Take The Lead

This time of year is suitable for retrospection. We’re able to take a good look at how things played out in 2012, and get an idea of the trends and patterns that are most likely to dominate the coming year.

2012 was rough for SEO experts due to radical changes in Google’s algorithms, including many updates to Panda, as well as the the introduction of Penguin. While content quality and inbound links continue to play major roles in organic rankings, let’s take a look at the other factors that will govern SEO in 2013.

2013: The 7 Key Factors That Will Determine Your Survival in SEO

If it were up to me, I’d simply focus on creating value for the reader — because ultimately, that should be the goal of any website. However, increasing competition may require you to employ strategic practices in a pragmatic approach to assist your rise to the top of the SERPs. Here are the tactics and strategies that will dominate the SEO landscape in 2013.

1. Quality of Content

Ultimately, it all comes down to the quality and value of the content on your website. Google has been very explicit this year about good-quality content, and we expect this trend to carry over into next year in full force. By content quality, the metrics are:

  1.     uniqueness of the content/topic
  2.     resourcefulness and information richness (i.e., no thin content)

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing is being touted as the next big thing. Experts have called it the new SEO. To an extent, this is true. As a general rule, content marketing attracts backlinks, and adds value for the user/reader. It is more challenging, because you have to generate more content of high quality, circulate it, and make sure your content gets published widely with ample social signals to generate substantial SEO value.

Since Google takes valuable content seriously, a solid content marketing strategy will be the key to climbing to the next level in SEO.

3. Author Rank and Profile

Author Rank has emerged as a vital metric in deciding SERPs, although studies about its value are still ongoing. One thing that we can be sure of in 2013 is that AuthorRank will add credibility and value to your website, and it will be vitally important for every webmaster.

4. Social Signals and Social Networking

After much debate and discussion, social signals have largely been accepted as valid ranking factors. In the next year (and probably in the years to follow), social signals will play a growing role. Shares, retweets, mentions, and perhaps most importantly, +1s are trophies every webmaster should be amassing.

5. Mobile/Responsive Design

Although this does not directly influence the ranking of a page, it will play a role in your fortunes. Google was one of the first companies to become aware of this trend in web browsing due to the growing presence of tablets and smartphones. Responsive design may not be an explicit SEO factor, but in terms of usability, it is likely to be a highly influential element to consider in 2013.

6. Localization / Info-graphics

Google’s growing preference for local websites and information has become evident in many searches. It’s safe to assume 2013 we’ll witness an increase in this preference. Websites that apply local SEO will enjoy higher rankings and visibility. This includes map data, listings, citations, and reviews on local information sites.

7. Social Media Marketing

Images and videos have become staples on the Internet. We’ve consistently seen that relevant results that include videos get ranked higher than text-only content. The further emergence of media content is an important development you can expect next year. It’s becoming essential to add relevant non-textual media to text content, because this adds value and makes the content more resourceful.